Trinity Study Center Helpful Resources!
A free service for reading and researching scripture online-- all in the
language or translation of your choice! With advanced searching capabilities
based on keywords or scripture references, and various tools to enhance
your study of the Bible.
Women's Bible Study Offline
Cathy Deddo, the author of the Bible Studies on this site, teaches a women's
Bible Study on Tuesday evenings from 7 - 8:30pm at Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Warrenville,
Illinois. This is an inductive study and no work is required outside of the
class itself. All women are welcome to attend. Located at 29w260 Batavia Road, Warrenville, Illinois 60555.
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Books, Bibles and Commentaries...
This resource includes Bibles, study guides, inspirational, encouraging and entertaining books. It is also a way for you to support the ministry of the Trinity Study Center. You can do that by using the book links to purchase them online from It won't cost you anything extra, Amazon will just send us a small referral fee for referring you to buy the book or product from their site. Thanks for any support you give to us! If you have any questions about this, please email me at